
The CAB lab is led by Dr. Stotra Chakrabarti, and is based at Macalester College in Minnesota

Who We Are

We are a diverse and inclusive group, broadly interested in the behavior of wild mammals in natural and human induced habitats. Specifically, we examine 1) the eco-evo of group living in mammals, especially wild carnivores, 2) individual variation in behavior, 3) predator-prey interactions, and 4) how animals navigate the Anthropocene. Our research approach is largely empirical, based on field studies across dry and hot savannas of India and East Africa, to cold and snowy boreal forests of North America. We couple our field observations with a suite of spatial, genetic, and statistical tools to unravel patterns in animal behavior, community ecology, population ecology and conservation biology.

If you are excited about studying hairy/furry/big animals (aka lions/wolves/elephants), and want to join us, contact me at schakrab [at] macalester [dot] edu for information about joining the lab.

Lab Logo illustrated by Dani Freund

Lab News

Funding Agency