

  • The Lab receives a grant from Lion Recovery Fund to study lions in Saadani NP, Tanzania.
  •  Stotra speaks as an invited speaker at the Institute Seminar of the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior in Konstanz, Germany.
  •  Stotra speaks as an invited speaker at the Indian Institute of Sciences Education & Research (IISER) Mohali
  • Stotra submits his first big NSF grant as a PI.
  •  Stotra joins the Diversity Committee of the Animal Behavior Society
  • Eliza and Stotra co-led paper on lion predation ecology in Tsavo is accepted in the Journal Oryx!
  • Sophie Carpenter joins the Lab to explore huma-carnivore relationships in and around Tanagire NP in Tanzania for an honors thesis
  •  Stotra, Joseph Bump & Fredrick Lala starts preliminary fieldwork in Tsavo, Kenya to initiate a Lion Research Project
  • Stotra receives a Career Diversity Award from the Animal Behavior Society to participate, present, and moderate a session at the Animal Behavior Society Conference 2023 in Portland from July 11-15. He will be presenting his research on sexual segregation in lions
  • CAB Lab member Avery Munster receives the Turner Award from Animal Behavior Society to participate and present her undergrad research at the Animal Behavior Society Conference 2023 in Portland from July 11-15
  • CAB Lab member Eliza King’s undergrad research gets accepted for an oral presentation at the 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Alaska (July 14-20). Eliza will be presenting her work on ‘diet and prey-preference of lions in Tsavo’
  • Stotra receives an Early Career Travel Award from the American Society of Mammologists to participate and present at the 13 th International Mammalogical Congress, Alaska (July 14-20). He will be presenting his research on sexual segregation in lions.
  • The CAB lab, in collaboration with the Yellowstone Wolf and Cougar Projects starts this summer’s research hosting 2 recent Mac grads, Zoe Lowe and Eliza King, to examine the temporal and spatial patterns of meso-predators in Yellowstone.
  • Stotra joins the Biology Department at Macalester as a TT Professor!
  • Stotra delivers a keynote plenary at the 37 th Congress of the International Council of Ethologists (Bielefeld, Germany)
  • Stotra completes another iteration of the Wildlife Monitoring Techniques Course – super eventful and fun
  • Mac Press creates a video of the Wildlife Handling Lab as part of Stotra’s Wildlife Monitoring Course. Link to the video
  • Stotra is teaching the core Ecology & Environment Course for the 1st time at Mac – he is on the same page as others in the class 🙂
  • Paper led by CAB Lab collaborator Aaron Morris and Lab alum Ian Smith, examining scavenger interactions at elephant carcasses in Tsavo is submitted to a special issue in the Journal Food WebsLink to preprint
  • CAB lab members Avery and Eliza defend their capstone presentations! Hurray!
  • Capstone researchers with Stotra – Eleanor Michaud and Jewel Kerr defend their capstones! Yaaaay!
  • CAB lab member Avery Munster gets accepted to multiple Vet School programs including UPenn! Woah!
  • Eleanor Michaud, capstone advisee with Stotra, gets accepted to multiple Vet School programs, including Tufts and University of Illinois! What a star!
  • CAB lab member Lara defends her honors thesis with an amazing exit seminar to the wildlife monitoring class and faculties
  • Study linking biodiversity conservation and human development, coauthored by Stotra and collaborators, published in Nature Sustainability! Check it out here
  • Paper led by CAB Lab collaborator Aaron Morris and Lab alum Ian Smith, examining scavenger
    interactions at elephant carcasses in Tsavo is accepted in a special issue in the Journal Food Webs!
  •  Stotra Participates as an invited reviewer for NSF panel in DC
  • Paper examining the demography of wolves in MN, led by Stotra published in Journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Link to the OA paper
  • Avery Munster and Eliza King join the CAB lab as summer researchers. Avery will be examining wolf-beaver interactions in Voyageurs Ecosystem, MN; and Eliza will be investigating diet and prey selection of lions in Tsavo, Kenya
  • Stotra travels to India for fieldwork and for delivering 3 invited seminars at the National Center for Biological Sciences, Center for Ecological Studies, and the Wildlife Institute of India
  • Stotra receives the Macalester College Academic Affairs Committee ‘Educator of the Year’ Award – a college level award, nominated by students!
  • Paper examining how wolf personalities affect predation mediated ecosystem services, co-authored by Stotra gets published in the ESA Journal Frontiers in
    Ecology & Environment [PDF]
  • Stotra teaches his Wildlife Monitoring Techniques Course for the first time – fun and eventful!
  • Stotra teaches his Wildlife Disease Ecology Course for the first time – pretty ‘sick’
  • Cab Lab member Ian Smith extends his capstone research through an Independent Project with Stotra, in collaboration with the Bump Lab at UMN to examine scavenger communities on elephant carcasses in Tsavo Kenya
  • Stotra’s op-ed on Cheetah Reintroduction in India is published in the Indian Express. Link here
  • Stotra completes teaching another iteration of his Animal Behavior and Wildlife Conservation Courses
  • Stotra speaks about his recently published paper in Journal Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution about wolf demography in Minnesota, at the International Wolf Symposium (Oct 13-16)
  • Chapter on Asian Lion sociality, led by Stotra is now accepted for publication in the book “Social strategies of carnivorous mammalian predators: Hunting and Surviving as Families”.
  • Lara Boudinot joins the CAB lab as an undergraduate research collaborator, and along with the Bump Lab at UMN and SFS Tanzania, her honors thesis will
    investigate the demography of lions in Tarangire and Lake Manyara National Park