Biodiversity in the Anthropocene

Biodiversity in the Anthropocene

The Anthropocene is marked by an ever-expanding human-wildlife interface. Re-imagining conservation paradigms that move beyond inviolate protected areas to include thoughtful land-sharing and local cultural contexts are warranted, if we are to safeguard biodiversity and human well-being in this era. We examine pathways and offer potential frameworks that can create better human-wildlife coexistence, and conflict resolution.

Peer-reviewed Articles

Srivathsa A, Vausdev D, Nair T, Chakrabarti S et al. 2023. Prioritizing landscapes to reconcile biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and human well-being in India. Nature Sustainability

Popular Articles

Krishnaswamy J, Chakrabarti S, Srivathsa A, Ramkrishnan U: Behind the paper blog post for Nature Portfolio Communities. 2023. Reconciling biodiversity and human well-being in a mega-diverse and crowded country

Coming Soon

Green ARG, Chakrabarti S, Shivakumar S et al. Constellations of Coexistence: Forging Connections & Fostering Coexistence Between Sites of Human-Wildlife Conflict (in review: Journal of Conservation Biology)

Media features